We provide a simple method for your clients to send payments to you from QuickBooks. We support checks, ach, wires, Intl Wires (USD), Zelle and Credit Card payment types.
We remove the biggest barrier to use. We make it easy for your Bank and your clients to get started and to use our QuickBooks apps. With a couple of clicks, a client can start sending integrated payables files to your Bank.
Simple to use with a rich set of features for streamlining payment processes.
Review payments from QuickBooks and select payments for inclusion Integrated Payables
Set payment types and update payment information for the entities in QuickBooks you want to pay
Upload payments directly to your Bank (requires support by your Bank)
Send emails to vendors containing bill remittance details associated with payments
Enables one or more accounts in the same or different QuickBooks company files
Review previous exports and resend email remittances if necessary
Our QuickBooks apps are run locally on your client's computer so data is stored and secured on their systems. The system has robust auditing features built into the critical tasks.
We provide timely and simple support to your clients. Through phone, email or screen sharing we ensure clients are trained and supported.